Chiave da campo per le epatiche talloidi complesse (Marchantiales) segnalate in Svizzera e in Italia settentrionale.
Taxonomic synopsis of European species and their presence in Switzerland ( and in Northern Italy, including Liguria and Tuscany (Aleffi et al., 2023, Plant Biosystems, 157-6): np = not present; p = present; (p) = present but not reported in the national checklist; ? = doubtful.
Taxa |
Study area |
Switzerland |
N. Italy |
Marchantiophyta Stotler & Crand.-Stotl. |
Marchantiopsida Cronquist, Takht. & W.Zimm. |
Marchantiidae Engl. |
Marchantiales Limpr. |
Aytoniaceae Cavers |
Asterella P.Beauv. |
A. africana (Mont.) Underw. ex A.Evans |
np |
(p) [1] |
A. lindenbergiana (Corda ex Nees) Lindb. ex Arnell |
p |
p |
A. saccata (Wahlenb.) A.Evans |
p |
p |
Mannia Corda |
M. androgyna (L.) A.Evans |
p |
p |
M. californica (Gottsche) L.C.Wheeler |
np |
p |
M. controversa (Meyl.) D.B.Schill subsp. controversa |
p |
(p) [2] |
M. fragrans (Balb.) Frye et L.Clark subsp. fragrans |
p |
p |
M. gracilis (F.Weber) D.B.Schill et D.G.Long |
p |
p |
M. pilosa (Hornem.) Frye et L.Clark |
p |
p |
M. sibirica (Müll.Frib.) Frye et L.Clark |
np |
np |
M. triandra (Scop.) Grolle |
p |
p |
Plagiochasma Lehm. [3] |
P. appendiculatum Lehm. et Lindenb. |
np |
np |
P. rupestre (J.R.Forst. et G.Forst.) Steph. var. rupestre |
p |
p |
Reboulia Raddi |
Reboulia hemisphaerica (L.) Raddi [4] |
p |
p |
subsp. australis R.M.Schust. |
(p)? |
(p)? |
subsp. dioica R.M.Schust. |
np |
np |
subsp. hemisphaerica |
(p)? |
(p)? |
Cleveaceae Cavers |
Clevea Lindb. |
C. hyalina (Sommerf.) Lindb. |
p |
p |
C. spathysii (Lindenb.) Müll.Frib. |
np |
np |
Peltolepis Lindb. |
P. quadrata (Saut.) Müll.Frib. |
p |
p |
Sauteria Nees |
S. alpina (Nees) Nees |
p |
p |
Conocephalaceae Müll.Frib. ex Grolle |
Conocephalum Hill |
C. conicum (L.) Dumort. |
p |
p |
C. salebrosum Szweyk. |
p |
p |
Corsiniaceae Engl. |
Corsinia Raddi |
C. coriandrina (Spreng.) Lindb. |
p |
p |
np |
np |
Dumortieraceae D.G.Long |
Dumortiera Nees |
D. hirsuta (Sw.) Nees subsp. hirsuta |
np |
p |
Exormothecaceae Müll.Frib. ex Grolle |
Exormotheca Mitt. |
E. pustulosa Mitt. |
np |
np |
E. welwitschii Steph. |
np |
np |
Lunulariaceae H.Klinggr. |
Lunularia Adans. |
L. cruciata (L.) Dumort. ex Lindb. subsp. cruciata |
p |
p |
Marchantiaceae Lindl. |
Marchantia L. |
M. paleacea Bertol. subsp. paleacea |
p |
p |
M. polymorpha L. |
subsp. montivagans Bischl. et Boissel.-Dub. |
p |
p |
subsp. polymorpha |
p |
p |
subsp. ruderalis Bischl. et Boissel.-Dub. |
p |
p |
M. quadrata Scopoli |
subsp. hyperborea (R. M. Schust.) Borovich. [6] |
np |
(p)? |
subsp. quadrata |
p |
p |
M. romanica Radian |
np |
np |
Oxymitraceae Müll.Frib. ex Grolle |
Oxymitra Bisch. ex Lindenb. |
O. incrassata (Brot.) Sérgio et Sim-Sim |
p |
p |
Ricciaceae Rchb. |
Riccia L. |
not treated herein |
p |
p |
Ricciocarpos Corda |
R. natans (L.) Corda |
p |
p |
Targioniaceae Dumort. |
Targionia L. |
T. hypophylla L. subsp. hypophylla |
p |
p |
T. lorbeeriana Müll.Frib. |
np |
p |
[1] Lelli A., Lelli S., Tiburtini M., Brusa G., 2024. Asterella africana detected by citizen scientists at its northernmost distribution in Europe (Tuscany, Italy). Borziana, 5: 47-58.
[2] Brusa G., 2023. Mannia controversa (Marchantiophyta, Aytoniaceae): un’epatica nuova per la flora italiana. Rev. Valdôtaine Hist. Nat., 77: 111-116.
[3] In addition to these two species, there is at least a third Plagiochasma from Caucasus (not yet identified at species level):
[4] These subspecies are globally recognized by some Authors (e.g. Schuster, 1992, VI: the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America, Field Museum of Natural History) but not for European plants by others (e.g. Boisselier-Dubayle et al., 1998, The Bryologist, 101-1).
[5] Doubtful taxon: no characters is sufficient to separate it from the nominal subspecies, including the sexual condition (M. quadrata s.l. is monoicous not dioicous!; e.g. Boisselier-Dubayle & Bischler 1997, Plant Systematics and Evolution 205).
[6] This species was only collected by Duckett & Ligrone in Campania (2006, Journal of bryology, 28-2, 88-96). However, the specimens reported and shown by these Authors do not correspond to the description and illustrations of the genus Cyathodium. As speculated by Hugonnot & Chavoutier (2021, Les Bryophytes de France, Volume 1, Biotope Éditions), the characteristics of these specimens are those of relatively common shade plants of the genus Conocephalum. During an inspection in the original site in Campania, Brusa G. confirmed Hugonnot & Chavoutier’s speculation (op. cit.); in addition, the specimens were returned to the normal form of Conocephalum (C. conicum s.s.) after growing them in light.
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